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Alexander Statement on Education Department’s Withdrawal of Proposed Supplement-Not-Supplant Regulation

WASHINGTON, January 18 — Senate education committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) today issued the following statement after the Department of Education withdrew its proposed regulation on Supplement-Not-Supplant:

“I am glad the Education Department has listened to Congress and has chosen not to move forward with its proposed 'supplement-not-supplant' regulation. This proposal would have dictated from Washington how states and school districts should spend nearly all state and local tax dollars on schools in order to receive federal Title I dollars — which are only about 3 percent of total national spending on K-12 schools. A regulation like this is not authorized by law; in fact, it is specifically prohibited by law.

"I look forward to working with the incoming Trump administration and Betsy DeVos, once confirmed, so we can ensure that the Every Student Succeeds Act is implemented as Congress wrote it, restoring control of public schools to states like Tennessee and to local communities.”
