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Alexander Calls for Immediate Screening at U.S. Airports of Travelers From Ebola Outbreak Countries

Urges President Obama to designate single Cabinet member to coordinate urgent Ebola response

NASHVILLE, October 3 – U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) today urged President Obama to accelerate the United States’ response to the West African Ebola epidemic.

“I am today urging President Obama to take two steps to accelerate our country’s response to the Ebola epidemic: First, immediately begin screening at all U.S. airports any person who is traveling to the U.S. from one of the countries with an Ebola epidemic. This screening in the U.S. would be in addition to the screening they receive when they leave the countries that are the source of the outbreak. Second, President Obama should immediately designate a single cabinet member to coordinate the response among the agencies involved and the other countries of the world who should be more involved.”

The senator said: “We must take the deadly, dangerous threat of Ebola in West Africa as seriously as we take the ISIS threat in the Middle East. The spread of this disease requires a more urgent response from the United States and other countries.” 

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