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Alexander Cosponsors Bipartisan Legislation to Protect More than 2.5 Million Workers from Harmful Effects of Obamacare’s 30-Hour Workweek

I’m glad to cosponsor this bipartisan legislation offered by Sens. Collins and Donnelly to overturn this damaging Obamacare provision and give a pay raise to more than 2.5 million low-income workers and their families. –Lamar Alexander

WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 7 – U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) today cosponsored bipartisan legislation introduced by Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) to change the definition of “full time” work from 30 hours per week—as it was established under Obamacare—to 40 hours per week.

“The move to define full-time work as only 30 hours per week, dreamed up by the architects of Obamacare, really sounds more like France than the United States,” Alexander said. “Worse, it’s forced employers to cut their workers’ hours or reduce hiring altogether in order to escape Obamacare’s mandate and its unaffordable penalties.”

He continued, “I’m glad to cosponsor this bipartisan legislation offered by Sens. Collins and Donnelly to overturn this damaging Obamacare provision and give a pay raise to more than 2.5 million low-income workers and their families. I intend to hold our first committee hearing on health and labor this Congress to look at how this provision has made it harder for so many Americans to make a living—as we work toward undoing the damage Obamacare has done and preventing future damage from this historic mistake of a law.”

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