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Alexander: “Get the Government Out of the Economy’s Way”

MARYVILLE, Feb. 1 – U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) today announced he is an original cosponsor of a bill in the U.S. Senate that he said would help reduce the negative impact excessive regulation has on the economy.

“For too long, the federal government has been throwing a big, wet blanket over the economy with unrealistic regulations that burden businesses,” Alexander said. “The best thing we can do to create more jobs for Tennesseans is to get the government out of the economy’s way.”

The “Regulatory Responsibility for our Economy Act,” introduced by Senator Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), Alexander and 33 other Senate cosponsors, requires federal agencies to assess the effect existing and proposed regulations have on the economy and job-creation efforts. The federal government would have to consider input by business leaders, industry, and other affected groups and individuals, and then streamline or repeal unnecessary, duplicative or otherwise unjustifiably burdensome rules and regulations.

As ranking member on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, Alexander has made reducing the regulatory burden on the private sector a priority.

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