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Alexander: Senate Committee Approves 2 Nominees to Address Workplace Safety

Urges the Senate to promptly consider and approve these nominations

WASHINGTON, August 2, 2017 — The Senate labor committee today approved the nominations of Heather MacDougall and James Sullivan to serve as members of the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC). Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) today called on his Senate colleagues to confirm the nominees as soon as possible:


“The Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission is an independent agency tasked with helping to ensure that our nation’s workers have safe workplaces,” said Alexander. “Ms. MacDougall and Mr. Sullivan are both well-qualified to be members of this important agency and I’m hopeful that my Senate colleagues will promptly consider these nominations.”


Ms. MacDougall was, until April 2017 when her term expired, the acting OSHRC Chair after being nominated to the commission by President Obama and confirmed by voice vote by the Senate.


Mr. Sullivan served as the management co-chair of the Occupational Safety and Health Law Committee of the American Bar Association’s Labor Law Section from 2014 to 2017. He has 37 years of experience representing employers throughout the United States in matters involving labor, employment, and occupational safety and health law.
