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Alexander: Senate Confirmation of Republican Bill Emanuel Restores Balance to National Labor Relations Board

Today's vote will "help restore board to its intended purpose of acting as a neutral umpire after years of playing the role of advocate"

WASHINGTON, September 25, 2017 — United States Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) today released the following statement on his vote to confirm Bill Emanuel as a member of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB):

“Filling this final vacant seat on the National Labor Relations Board will help restore the board to its intended purpose of acting as a neutral umpire after years of playing the role of advocate. Bill Emanuel will help bring balance to the board and stability to our nation’s workplaces.”

Alexander is chairman of the Senate’s labor committee, and held a hearing on Mr. Emanuel’s nomination on July 13. The committee favorably reported out Mr. Emanuel’s nomination on July 19.

Mr. Emanuel is currently an attorney working on labor and employment matters and has previously represented clients before the NLRB. His confirmation gives Republicans their first 3-2 majority on the board since 2007. This position has been vacant for 11 months. On August 2, the Senate confirmed Marvin Kaplan to the board, after that position sat vacant for 23 months.
