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Alexander: Senate Labor Committee Approves Eugene Scalia to Serve as Secretary of Labor

Says Scalia has the skills to help continue to grow our economy and help workers gain the skills they need to succeed in today’s workplace

WASHINGTON, September 24, 2019 — The Senate labor committee today approved the nomination of Eugene Scalia to serve as United States Secretary of Labor.

“Mr. Scalia is well qualified to lead the Labor Department,” Senate labor committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) said during the committee meeting to vote on Mr. Scalia’s nomination. “He is currently a partner in the Washington office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, where he has spent the majority of his career working on labor, employment and regulatory matters.”

“From 2002-2003, he served as Solicitor of the U.S. Department of Labor, where he led initiatives to protect workers, reduce unnecessary burdens, and improve enforcement of workplace safety laws,” Alexander continued. “Businesses and workers need a Secretary of Labor who will steer the department with a steady hand. I believe Mr. Scalia has the skills to help continue to grow our economy and help workers gain the skills they need to succeed in today’s workplace.”

Alexander concluded: “It has been more than two months since President Trump announced Mr. Scalia would be the next Labor Secretary. I believe it is fair to vote on Mr. Scalia today, and I would encourage my colleagues to support his nomination.”

Eugene Scalia’s nomination is now ready for consideration before the full Senate.


  • On July 18, President Trump announced he planned to nominate Mr. Scalia.
  • On August 27, the Committee received Mr. Scalia’s Office of Government Ethics paperwork, including his public financial disclosure and ethics agreement. Based on these documents, the OGE determined that Mr. Scalia “is in compliance with applicable laws and regulations governing conflicts of interest.” 
  • On the same day, August 27, the Committee also received his HELP paperwork, which is extensive, additional background information.
  • Since August 27, Mr. Scalia has offered to meet with every member of the HELP Committee and has met with all but two members.
  • Last week, the Committee held a three hour confirmation hearing with Mr. Scalia, and senators submitted 418 questions for the record, all of which Mr. Scalia has answered. 
  • The Senate confirmed John King about a month after President Obama said he wanted Mr. King to serve as Education Secretary.
  • In this case, it has been more than two months since President Trump announced Mr. Scalia would be the next Labor Secretary.

View Chairman Alexander’s prepared remarks here.
