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Alexander Statement on Secretary DeVos’ Proposal to Reform Title IX

“Secretary DeVos has begun the appropriate public rulemaking process, including the opportunity for individuals to review and make comments for 60 days, to bring much needed clarity to the federal rules helping colleges protect the safety and rights of students."

WASHINGTON, November 16, 2018— U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Senate’s education committee, today released the following statement on the U.S. Department of Education’s proposal to clarify Title IX, a law protecting people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance, so that schools will more fully understand their roles and responsibilities to better comply with the law:

 “Secretary DeVos has begun the appropriate public rulemaking process, including the opportunity for individuals to review and make comments for 60 days, to bring much needed clarity to the federal rules helping colleges protect the safety and rights of students. The Department’s approach seems to balance fairness and support for survivors. Under the previous administration, a single employee at the Education Department was issuing edicts to 6,000 colleges and universities on how to handle the complex and sensitive problem of sexual assault. In the meantime, colleges are still required to follow the Title IX law and the Clery Act, and Congress will continue to examine the clarity and effectiveness of those laws to keep students safe.”
