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Alexander Statement on the Selection of Dr. Scott Gottlieb to Head the FDA

NASHVILLE, March 10 – Senate health committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) today made the following statement on the selection of Dr. Scott Gottlieb to head the Food and Drug Administration (FDA): 

“It’s critical to have the right person in charge of the FDA, an agency that affects virtually every American and regulates about a quarter of all consumer spending in the United States. Dr. Gottlieb has impressive qualifications helping American patients as both a physician and in his previous roles at the FDA. I look forward to meeting with Dr. Gottlieb and scheduling a hearing to discuss his plans to implement 21st Century Cures and work with Congress to bring safe and effective drugs and medical devices to patients more quickly and to protect the nation’s food supply.”

Gottlieb has held several positions at the FDA, serving as FDA Deputy Commissioner, as senior advisor to the FDA commissioner, and as the agency’s Director of Medical Policy Development. 

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