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Alexander Statement on Today’s House Vote to Delay Obamacare, Repeal Medical Device Tax, Keep Government Open

Says “to avoid a government shutdown, the Senate should promptly agree with this eminently reasonable proposal by the House”

NASHVILLE, Sept. 28– Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), the senior Republican on the Senate health committee, today released the following statement on the vote by the House of Representatives to delay the individual mandate, repeal the medical device tax, and keep the government operating:

"To avoid a government shutdown, the Senate should promptly agree with this eminently reasonable proposal by the House.  Seventy nine senators have previously voted to repeal the onerous medical device tax, including 34 Democratic senators. And the President himself has already delayed the employer mandate and at least seven other provisions of the new health care law, and hasn’t even finished writing the regulations, making it clear that Obamacare could not possibly be implemented on October 1 as scheduled."

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