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Alexander: “The President is Right—This Law is More Than a Website that Won’t Work—It’s an Historic Mistake”

Says president’s speeches “worked during the campaign,” but Americans today are “no closer to understanding what has gone wrong”


“The president is right—this law is more than a website that won’t work—it’s a mandate that many Americans are finding impossible, and it’s an historic mistake that is raising premiums, forcing employees off insurance plans, increasing out-of-pocket costs, and pushing employers to cut jobs and hours.” – Lamar Alexander

WASHINGTON, Oct. 21 – The senior Republican on the Senate health committee today released the following statement about the president’s speech on

Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) said: “The president is right—this law is more than a website that won’t work—it’s a Washington mandate that many Americans are finding impossible, and it’s an historic mistake that is raising premiums, forcing employees off insurance plans, increasing out-of-pocket costs, and pushing employers to cut jobs and hours. His speeches worked during the campaign, but today Americans are still no closer to understanding what has gone wrong with this website, or how it will be fixed, or whether it will be fixed in time for them to comply with the mandate.”

He added: “Somebody must be accountable for this mess, and if the president isn’t going to resign, it’s up to him to figure out who should.”

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