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Alexander: Today, More than Ever, Americans Need Congress to Go Step-by-Step to Reduce Health Care Costs

On 6th anniversary of Obamacare, calls on next president to work with Congress to replace with bipartisan solutions

NASHVILLE, Tenn., March 23 – Senate health committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) today made the following statement on the sixth anniversary of Obamacare being signed into law:

“Six years ago, both Republicans and Democrats believed that our health care system was broken and needed to be fixed. At the White House Summit, on behalf of Republicans, I told the president we needed to go step-by-step to expand access to quality health insurance with the goal of reducing health care costs. Instead, he signed a 2,700-page bill that just took the system that everyone already knew was too expensive and expanded it.

“Today, patients and their doctors are frustrated by a health care system that gives them fewer choices and higher costs—health insurance premiums are up 36 percent on average this year for plans offered by Tennessee’s most popular insurer. Today, more than ever, Americans need Congress to go step-by-step to repeal and replace Obamacare with common sense, market-based reforms that provide states and families with access to the health care plans that meet their needs and their budgets. The next President of the United States should work with Republicans and Democrats to repeal Obamacare and work on bipartisan solutions that the American people deserve.” 


For access to this release and Chairman Alexander’s other statements, click here.