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Alexander: Under New Law, “Farmers Will Get Faster Access to Cheaper and Better Animal Medicines, and People Will Be Healthier”

President signs into law a health committee-passed reauthorization of programs that ensure faster approvals of animal medicines

Washington, D.C., June 14 –Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) today praised the signing into law of legislation that he said would “reduce farmers’ costs by reducing the average waiting time for the FDA to approve generic animal drugs by 450 days and eliminating a backlog of applications.”

Alexander, the Ranking Republican on the Senate health committee, said of the Animal Drug User Fee Act and Animal Generic Drug User Fee Act Reauthorization Act of 2013: “Farmers in Tennessee and across the country want to do all they can do to produce a safe and wholesome product not only to feed others, but also their own families. Under this law reauthorizing these important programs, farmers will get faster access to cheaper and better medicines, and people will be healthier.”

The Senate HELP Committee passed the legislation out of committee on March 20. At a committee markup of the legislation on February 27, Alexander praised the results of the animal drug user fee programs and said he would work to get the Animal Drug User Fee Act and Animal Generic Drug User Fee Act reauthorized before August.
