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Alexander Welcomes Sens. Mitt Romney, Mike Braun and Jacky Rosen to HELP Committee

“I welcome Senators Mitt Romney, Mike Braun and Jacky Rosen to the HELP committee and look forward to working with them on reducing health care costs for Americans, making the cost of college worth it for all students, and continuing to work with the Trump Administration to help grow jobs and raise family incomes."

WASHINGTON, January 4, 2017 — Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) today welcomed Senators Mitt Romney (R-Utah), Mike Braun (R-Ind.) and Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) to the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, after Senate leaders announced committee assignments for the 116th Congress:

“I welcome Senators Mitt Romney, Mike Braun and Jacky Rosen to the HELP committee and look forward to working with them on reducing health care costs for Americans, making the cost of college worth it for all students, and continuing to work with the Trump Administration to help grow jobs and raise family incomes. The work we do in our committee touches the lives of virtually every American—former Chairman Ted Kennedy once said that the committee had 30 percent of the legislative jurisdiction of the Senate—so we are very fortunate to have such a talented roster of senators.”

The Senate HELP committee will be composed of 12 Republicans and 11 Democrats. Sens. Todd Young (R-Ind.) and Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) vacated the committee after the 115th Congress.

Below is the full list of the Republican members of the HELP Committee for the 116th Congress:

Lamar Alexander, Tennessee

Mike Enzi, Wyoming

Richard Burr, North Carolina

Johnny Isakson, Georgia

Rand Paul, Kentucky

Susan Collins, Maine

Bill Cassidy, Louisiana

Pat Roberts, Kansas

Lisa Murkowski, Alaska

Tim Scott, South Carolina

Mitt Romney, Utah

Mike Braun, Indiana 

Below is the full list of the Democrat members of the HELP Committee for the 116th Congress:

Patty Murray, Washington

Bernie Sanders, Vermont

Robert P. Casey, Jr., Pennsylvania

Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin  

Christopher S. Murphy, Connecticut

Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts

Tim Kaine, Virginia

Maggie Hassan, New Hampshire

Tina Smith, Minnesota

Doug Jones, Alabama

Jacky Rosen, Nevada
