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CBO: Stakeholders’ Pledged Savings Cannot Be Measured

Washington, D.C. –U.S. Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, today reacted to the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) assessment that savings pledged by health care groups who met with President Obama at the White House last month simply are not “scorable,” in most instances. Based on the CBO’s review, most of the industry’s savings cannot be estimated, and what CBO could score fell far short of $2 trillion.

“What was originally offered up as a down payment on health care reform simply can’t be accurately estimated by the CBO and will result in far less savings than the originally promised $2 trillion,” said Enzi, the Senate’s only accountant. “The Administration will need to come up with far greater savings proposals – savings that Congress can take to the bank - to achieve the massive health care bill Democrats are proposing.”

Senator Enzi praised the stakeholders’ initiative and pledge to curb health care costs, but said measurable savings in the federal government’s health care programs are ultimately needed.

“I welcome proposed savings measures that will reduce costs, making health care more affordable for every American. Unfortunately, the savings offered here fail to measure up.” Enzi said.
