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Chairman Alexander Statement on White House Surprise Medical Billing Event

“Ending surprise medical billing is a perfect example of how Congress and the president can work together to reduce out of pocket health care costs"

WASHINGTON, May 9, 2019 — Senate health committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) today released the following statement after attending an event at the White House on surprise medical billing:

“Ending surprise medical billing is a perfect example of how Congress and the president can work together to reduce out of pocket health care costs. Twenty percent of patients who visit the Emergency Room end up several weeks later with a several thousand dollar bill that they did not expect. I told the president today that, working with Senator Murray and other members of our committee, our goal is to have a bipartisan solution to end the practice of surprise medical billing to the Senate floor by July. I was glad to have the president say today that he supports this bipartisan effort.”
