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Enzi Addresses Business Leaders On Improving Lives of Working Families

Executive Leaders Focused on Investments in Education and Training

Washington, D.C. – At the annual meeting of business leaders for working families, U.S. Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, outlined specific steps that can be taken to grow quality new jobs in America.

“The decisions we make here in Washington will impact speed and sustainability of economic growth,” said Enzi.  “We must ensure an economic and regulatory environment that allows new and small businesses to grow.  Additionally, we must ensure that American workers have the skills they need to fill the quality jobs we want to create.”

“In some sense, the most important thing government can do to encourage new job creation is to get out of the way,” added Enzi.  “Increasing taxation and adding unfunded mandates on employers are the wrong things to do when your goal is new job creation and sustained economic growth.”

Enzi also reaffirmed his commitment in the Senate to working with his colleagues and the Administration in developing bipartisan legislation that strengthens and modernizes the Workforce Investment Act (WIA).  Enzi seeks to build on current partnerships providing opportunity for youth and working adults to gain the literacy, language and core skills needed to enter and advance in the 21st century workplace.

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