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Enzi: As Americans Suffer, Administration’s Policies Making Things Worse

WASHINGTON, D.C. – During a hearing today on the middle class, Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), Ranking Member on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, said that many hardworking Americans are suffering and the Administration’s economic policies are making things worse.

“There is no doubt that many people are suffering with nearly 14 million Americans unemployed,” said Senator Enzi.  “It is obvious that the economic recovery has stalled. Unfortunately, the efforts taken by this Administration to stimulate the economy have not created enough jobs and have put us further in debt.  In fact, many of the actions this Administration has taken are actually slowing job creation and making things worse.”

Enzi noted that since May 2009, the average unemployment rate was 9.5 percent which was unacceptable.  He said that there were a number of steps the Administration could take to create jobs and boost this economy, starting with Washington just getting out of the way.  Enzi said the Administration should push for free trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama to open markets to American producers so can they can create more jobs.  The Administration should also reduce the regulatory burden the federal government places on employers, especially small employers. 

“We have heard a great deal of rhetoric about regulatory burdens, but the only action we have seen is the creation of more regulations,” Senator Enzi said. “The Administration’s so-called independent boards and agencies, like the National Labor Relations Board, have stretched their authority in order to tilt the scales in favor of union organizing bosses, and against the rights of individual employees and employers.  President Obama nominated and appointed the officials that are carrying these actions out, in some cases against the will of the Senate.”

Enzi also said that the Administration’s energy policies are preventing job creation at a time when America’s domestic energy production industries can offer good jobs with good pay when they are allowed to operate and expand.  He pointed to the experience of hearing witness Thomas Clements, a small business owner from Louisiana, whose company was affected by these energy policies.

“On the Gulf Coast, many of the thousands of jobs that were supported by the offshore drilling industry are simply gone due to the moratorium, permit and bureaucratic delays on off-shore drilling in the Gulf,” said Senator Enzi.  “The result of this misguided energy policy is lost jobs and bankrupted American companies.”

You can read Senator Enzi’s op-ed today on jobs here.

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