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Enzi Comments on Passage of President's Federal Takeover of the U.S. Health-Care System

Top Republican on Senate HELP Committee Deeply Concerned Over Costs

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee made the following comments regarding this weekend’s passage of the health care bill in the U.S. House of Representatives:

"Most Americans don’t want the health care bill the House just passed.  The simple truth is that it raises taxes, cuts Medicare benefits and will put the government between you and your doctor.  Does anyone believe we can spend a trillion dollars in new programs without costing anyone a dime?

“Employers don't want this bill either.  It's a job killer.  Businesses large and small will step back from hiring or expanding.  Many will have to choose between providing health insurance and letting valued employees go.  I find it ironic that soon after the President signs a so-called ‘jobs bill,’ the House passes a health care bill that imposes $52 billion in new taxes on employers.

“A close second to passing this troubling bill is the legislative sleight-of-hand used to do it.  We need to do this the right way and pass good health care reforms people can understand and that will bring costs down.  The majority's vote Sunday night is one of the most disappointing votes I've seen.”

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