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Enzi: Congress Should Encourage Job Creation like Keystone XL Pipeline Project

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), Ranking Member on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, today said Congress should encourage job creation instead of new regulations that threaten the nation’s fragile economy.

“The biggest barrier to getting a job for most unemployed people is the lack of jobs available,” said Senator Enzi.   “Instead of discussing misguided legislation that will actually discourage new hiring and harm long term unemployed individuals, Congress should encourage job creation.  The truth is that we have several opportunities to allow private sector job creation to dramatically increase which the current Administration is blocking.  Without raising taxes or increasing our crushing national debt by another dime, we could add thousands of new, well-paying private sector jobs that will get the economy going again like the Keystone XL Pipeline project.”

Senator Enzi noted that the Keystone XL Pipeline project will create more than 20,000 new jobs immediately that will grow into more than 500,000 U.S. jobs and is supported by five unions.  Enzi said that the Keystone Pipeline will also create energy security that lessens our dependence on unfriendly nations.  Estimates indicate that it will bring in $138.4 million in annual property taxes for state and local governments, and $6.5 billion in personal income for American workers.  

“This massive private sector job creator is simply a win-win for Americans.  But it isn’t happening because the White House has decided to step in and delay the project until after the next election,” Senator Enzi said.  “This is a very clear case of the Administration erecting an unnecessary and political barrier to private sector job creation.  Americans deserve an Administration that will lead us out of this dismal period of long term unemployment – not erect barriers to sustain it.  It is time to serve the American people by discussing real solutions to high unemployment.”

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