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Enzi Focuses on Expanding Lifelong Learning Opportunities; Urges Duncan to Help Rural Schools Meet Unique Challenges

ate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, today told ArneDuncan, nominee for Secretary of Education, that he plans to work with the Obamaadministration to improve student achievement and expand lifelong learningopportunities for all Americans.

“We can’t afford the lost economic opportunity that results when students dropout or face barriers to continued learning,” Enzi said at a confirmation hearing forDuncan. “Congress and the Department of Education need to work together to make surethat every school has the tools and flexibility they need to help students develop theknowledge and skills to be successful.”

“I am particularly concerned about the unique challenges that rural and frontierstudents and schools face,” Enzi said. Enzi said he hopes to work with Duncan to ensure that more students graduatefrom high school on time and prepared for postsecondary education and the workplace.Enzi also reaffirmed the need for “a lifetime of opportunities for learning, training, andretraining for every American.”

“Some education beyond a high school diploma is critical to at least eight out often new jobs being created,” Enzi said.

“We need to help more students enter andcomplete education and training programs that will prepare them for the high skills, highpayingjobs of the 21st century.”

“There are going to be areas where we disagree,” Enzi told Duncan. “But myhope and expectation is that by focusing on solutions, we can produce meaningful resultsfor our students and schools.”
