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Enzi: Health Care Summit Should Be a Turning Point for Bipartanship

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), Ranking Member of the SenateHealth, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, today accepted the President’sinvitation to the White House for a summit on health care, which Enzi said he hopes will be “aturning point for true bipartisanship.”

“This health care summit is a good first step. I hope this represents a new, bipartisanapproach, after the ‘We won the election, we write the bill’ mentality of SCHIP and the bailoutbill,” Enzi said. “The President has pledged to work on health care reform in a bipartisan way. Workingtogether on a plan means agreeing where we want to go at the beginning, and then finding a pathto get there, not just buying some votes at the end. Paving a highway and then dragging peopledown it is not bipartisanship. The bipartisan road is built together and it’s built with action morethan words.”

Enzi will join other Members of Congress, Administration officials, and outside expertsand stakeholders to discuss health care reform. The White House has not released a full programof events, but participants will break into small groups to discuss health care costs and coverage.

“We need to do more than expand coverage – we need to stem the tide of rising costs sothat every American can access quality, affordable health care,” Enzi said.
