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Enzi: Help Small Businesses Hire Qualified People with Disabilities

WASHINGTON, D.C. – During a hearing today on employing people with disabilities, Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), Ranking Member on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, said that it was important to help small businesses identify, recruit, retain, and advance qualified individuals with disabilities.

“Wonderful things are taking place throughout the country based upon America’s desire for inclusive environments in local schools, communities and workplaces,” said Senator Enzi.  “We should find out how to implement these practices for smaller employers, many of whom might only have capacity for a few employees and who are struggling to keep the lights on in their companies in this continuing economic slump. Businesses, particularly small businesses, need better information on how to identify, recruit, retain, and advance qualified individuals with disabilities.”

Senator Enzi noted that in today’s troubled economy, America’s small businesses are struggling to just keep their doors open and sometimes lack the resources or capacity to seek out information about hiring people with disabilities.

“We should identify more effective ways of helping small businesses across our country hire more people with disabilities,” Senator Enzi said.  “Based on conversations I have had in Wyoming, small businesses are interested, they just don’t know where to turn for assistance.” 

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