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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), Ranking Member of the SenateHealth, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, today urged the Senate to support abill to reauthorize America’s national service programs, which he said is a good step towardimproving the administration and accountability of the programs, while reducing the bureaucraticbarriers that have limited their success.

“A comprehensive reauthorization of our national service statutes is long overdue,” Enzisaid. “This is a fiscally responsible bill that will improve accountability, reduce bureaucracy andeliminate waste in our national service programs.

“This bill will leverage the efforts of a few to mobilize millions of faith-basedorganizations, church groups, non-profits, and individuals to volunteer their time and energyfreely to serve their communities. It does not include any mandates of any kind for individualsor groups to volunteer.” Enzi said he hopes Congress can complete its work on the “Serve America Act,” H.R.1388, quickly and get the bill to the President for his signature.

“This bill is not perfect, but I am pleased with a number of the agreements we have beenable to reach. I’m particularly pleased with the improvements we have made to expand access tonational service programs in small and rural communities.

“My mother always told me that service to others is the rent we pay for the space we takeup,” Enzi said. “I hope we can complete this bill soon and help millions of Americans fulfill thatrent payment.”
