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Enzi: NCLB Waivers Undermine Policy Making Authority of Congress

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), Ranking Member on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, today said President Obama’s proposed waivers of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law would undermine the policy making authority of Congress. 

“I am extremely disappointed that after spending so many hours working toward a solution, we have reached a point where the President appears to preempt our efforts with waivers.  The best way to address these important issues is through legislation,” said Senator Enzi.  “President Obama’s efforts represent a fundamental and dramatic shift in authority from Congress to the Administration.  This action today clearly politicizes education policy, which traditionally has been a bipartisan issue that attracts support from both parties.  It is the responsibility of Congress to develop policy and the President’s proposal is an attempt to affect change outside the legislative process.”

Senator Enzi noted that historically waivers have been given to states to provide specific relief from federal regulations.  He said this proposal will fundamentally change that process by requiring an entirely new set of accountability requirements for states applying for waivers.

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