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Enzi: President Can Take Steps Now to Boost Job Growth

“Congress Should Focus on Preparing Workers for New Economy”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), Ranking Member on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, today said he was pleased to see the President finally shift his focus to jobs. Enzi noted that in the past two months, the Administration put out 1225 new regulations. He said complying with these new rules will cost businesses $17.7 billion in new costs that will hurt the economy.

“I am glad to see the President is finally shifting his focus to America’s economy and helping foster job growth, but I’m disappointed his emphasis is just more spending for programs that haven’t worked. If spending is the answer to the economy we should already be in a major boom,” said Senator Enzi.  “He needs to put the brakes on radicalized federal agencies like the NLRB, which are choking American innovation and job creation with new regulations. With almost 14 million Americans unemployed, the sooner the President realizes that new government regulations are the wrong way to go, the sooner we can help Americans get back to work.”

Congress should focus on bills that can help train and prepare the nation’s workers for the highly skilled jobs emerging in the global economy. After ignoring our nation’s soaring unemployment rate for more than half his term in office, the President needs to address these problems immediately,” Senator Enzi said. “The President should also provide the support and encouragement small businesses need to hire new employees and expand their operations. We can start by lowering corporate tax rates and reducing the regulatory burden these small businesses face.”

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