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Enzi Rejects Reckless, "All-You-Can-Spend" Democrat Budget Calls for Fiscal Responsibilty to Control Spending, Shrink Debt

Washington D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-WY, Ranking Member of theSenate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee (HELP Committee), todayslammed the Democrat Budget Resolution, which he argued would force $1.2 trillion intax hikes on working families, cause an explosion in federal spending, and boost thealready growing national debt. “Make no mistake: the Democrats’ proposal is a fiscally reckless, tax and spend,big government budget,” Enzi said. “It makes no tough choices. It does nothing to shoreup the government’s fiscal house, and instead leaves the tough choices to futureCongresses and the next administration. “Our country is in a sinkhole of debt and it’s almost as if we have adopted aphilosophy of ‘all you can spend’ around here. Spending is out of control. We’re doingmore than just wasting resources – we’re destroying the future of our children and ourgrandchildren. The Democrat leadership doesn’t seem to see what a terrible problem weface. As the old adage says so well, you can pay me now, or pay me later – and ourcolleagues have chosen to leave the bills for later. They ought to know better.”The Democrat Budget Resolution would: • Raise taxes by $1.2 trillion, meaning that 43 million families with children willpay $2,300 more each year, and 18 million seniors will pay $2,200 more;• Increase spending by $210 billion over 5 years;• Exceed the President’s requested budget for FY 2009 by $24 billion;• Allow the national debt to climb by $2 trillion by 2013; and,• Ignore entitlement reform, making no attempt to tackle the $66 trillion inunsustainable long-term entitlement obligations America faces.“We cannot sustain this level of spending without inflicting grave damage on thefiscal health and future of our country,” Enzi said. “Congress ought to be considering abudget that reduces the national debt, promotes honest budgeting, and encourages trueeconomic growth by reducing energy costs, reducing taxes, and reducing health carecosts and increasing access for all Americans.”“This Conference Report is a missed opportunity. As stewards of the public trust,the Congress needs to make responsible choices that leave a fiscally sound country to ourchildren and our grandchildren. Unfortunately, this Budget Resolution doesn’t confrontany of the tough choices that face our country.” ####