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Enzi, Republicans Fight to Reduce Spending in Kennedy Health Bill

Washington, D.C. – As the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions(HELP) Committee enters its second day considering the Kennedy health care bill, U.S.Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), Ranking Member of the HELP Committee, is leadingRepublican efforts to reduce the bill’s out-of-control spending.

“Republicans stand ready to write a health care reform bill that matches what thePresident said this week – Americans who like the care they have must be able to keepit, and the bill must and will be deficit neutral,” Enzi said. “I hope the Democrats willwork with us to enact strong, bipartisan health care reform this year.

“The Kennedy health care bill comes with a price tag of more than $1 trillion andleaves millions of Americans uninsured,” said Enzi, the Senate’s only accountant. “TheKennedy bill is in conflict with the Obama message on health care and breaks the promises he's made."
