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Enzi Salutes 9/11 Heroes, Calls For Grant Program Oversight

Washington, D.C. – At today’s U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee hearing, “Examining the Continuing Needs of Workers and Communities Affected by 9/11,” Ranking Member Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.) saluted 9/11 heroes and called for oversight of a National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) medical monitoring and treatment program for the victims of the attacks.

“The firefighters, police and emergency personnel who bravely worked to rescue survivors of the September 11 terrorist attack and the workers who cleaned up the destruction must never be forgotten,” said Enzi.  “They kept their promises, did their duty and saw things through to the end.  They deserve the same from us.”

“Healthcare payers require providers to collect detailed information about patients, treatments and costs.  This information is needed for accountability, transparency and to make sure patients are receiving quality care.  Since 2002, NIOSH has sent $475 million to health providers serving 9/11 victims, but never required them to report how funds were spent.  I appreciate that these programs were set up under duress, and I am inclined to give these providers the benefit of the doubt.  But, NIOSH must be able to answer basic questions about spending and patient care.  The 9/11 victims deserve better,” added Enzi.

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