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Enzi Stands Firm in Opposition to Solicitor Nominee HELP Ranking Member Will Hold Smith Nomination on Senate Floor

WASHINGTON, D.C. – As the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP)Committee met today to consider four White House nominees, U.S. Senator Mike Enzi (RWyo.), the Committee’s Ranking Member, maintained his opposition to Patricia Smith, theAdministration’s choice to serve as Solicitor at the U.S. Dept. of Labor.

“The nomination of Patricia Smith to be Solicitor of Labor brings me great concern,” said Enzi.“Her lack of candor during her hearing and responses to subsequent questions posed by theCommittee has resulted in a lack of confidence regarding her ability to effectively run theSolicitor’s office. This breach of our trust cannot be brushed aside by claiming the questionsinvolve a pilot program or that the responsibility rests solely with her Deputy.”

Enzi intends to place a hold on Smith’s nomination as it heads to the Senate floor followingCommittee passage and led the Republican members of the Committee in unanimouslyvoicing concern over Smith’s nomination earlier this week.

Enzi supported White House Labor Department nominees Joseph Main and William Spriggsto be Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health and Assistant Secretary for Policyrespectively and noted his support for all 32 prior White House nominees considered by theHELP Committee this year.

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U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) CommitteeCOMMITTEE WEBSITE | SENATOR ENZI’S OFFICE