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Enzi Statement Following White House Health Care Summit

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, issued the following statement following the conclusion of today’s White House summit on health care reform:

“I’m glad we had the opportunity to meet with the President today and talk frankly about our views on health care reform.  As I’ve been saying, I think it’s important that we move forward in a bipartisan way, work on the problems that are driving up costs and keeping millions of Americans from finding affordable health insurance, piece by piece instead of trying to pass one huge bill.  The glimmers of hope for common ground are further evidence that we should move away from the current partisan bills and discard the idea of using the partisan reconciliation process to reform our health care system.

“Ideally we wouldn’t even be talking about the President’s bill or the Democrat bill or the Republican bill.  We should be talking about our ideas and how we can take those ideas, combine them to make our bill in each of these issue areas.  Although it’s clear that many differences still separate us, I was glad to hear some fairly encouraging responses from the President on issues like allowing individuals and small businesses to purchase insurance across state lines; strengthening Medicare for our seniors instead of cutting benefits, and exploring ways to reform medical malpractice laws.  We can and should move forward in these areas.  

“I hope we can continue to talk about sensible, but fundamental changes in health care – changes that will lower costs, get as many folks covered as possible, and lead to more and better choices in health care for everyone.” 

Click here to see a transcript or view video of Senator Enzi's statement at today's summit.