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Houston, We Have a Problem! CBO Analysis of Kennedy Health Bill Highlights One Trillion Problems

Washington, D.C. – After a briefing from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.) has requested further analysis of the agency’s assessment that the Kennedy health care bill would cost taxpayers $1.2 trillion, force employers to reduce employee wages, and break the President’s promise of, “If you like the coverage you have, you can keep it.”

“CBO’s analysis is not a matter of partisan bickering: the experts have spoken and the results are alarming. These estimates confirm my deep concerns that this bill costs too much, forces millions of Americans to lose the care they have and won’t do enough to bring down health care spending,” said Enzi, Ranking Member of the HELP Committee. “As I have said throughout this process, this HELP Democrats’ bill does not come up with the savings or coverage the Democrats have long promised.”

Although Democrats have claimed that including a government-run health care plan would reduce insurance premiums, CBO said Wednesday that a government-run plan would not reduce costs, but would instead increase federal health spending. CBO confirmed other provisions of the HELP Committee Democrats’ plan would also fail to reduce health care costs, which the President has said this legislation must address.

“Skyrocketing costs are the root cause of our health care crisis, but this bill worsens the problem,” Enzi said.

Enzi asked CBO to confirm that the job-killing employer taxes in the HELP Democrats’ bill would drive down wages.

“In these tough economic times, the Government should not be forcing businesses to cut jobs or reduce wages.” Enzi said.

Enzi’s follow up letter to CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf is attached below.
