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Murray Applauds Senate Confirmation of Lisa Gomez to Lead Employee Benefits Security Administration

Murray:I’m glad we were able to confirm this highly qualified nominee to this important position overseeing employer-sponsored health and retirement benefits—a financial cornerstone for so many families in Washington state and across the country.”


Washington, D.C. – Today, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chair of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP), released the following statement on the Senate confirmation of Lisa Gomez, by a vote of 49-36, to serve as Assistant Secretary of Labor for the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA).


“I’m glad we were able to confirm this highly qualified nominee to this important position overseeing employer-sponsored health and retirement benefits—a financial cornerstone for so many families in Washington state and across the country.


“It was important to me EBSA have an experienced leader like Ms. Gomez given its massive responsibilities helping retirees recover the benefits they are entitled to, enforcing protections for people who get their health care coverage through their job, and overseeing millions of retirement plans, health plans, and other welfare benefit plans. This confirmation is good news for people across the country who can rest assured Ms. Gomez will fight to protect their savings and futures and ensure they get the benefits they deserve under federal law.”


Senator Murray has been pushing for months to get Gomez confirmed—speaking on the floor in support of the nomination earlier this year, releasing a statement reiterating her support after a previous floor vote, and calling for the Senate to get this done recently while recognizing the anniversary of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), a landmark law which protects the interests of people who participate in employer-sponsored benefit plans, like health care or retirement plans.

