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Murray, Stabenow Introduce Resolution Celebrating 50 Year Anniversary of Title IX

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, and Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Chair of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee (DPCC), introduced a resolution celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Title IX—the landmark statute protecting students from discrimination on the basis of sex or gender.


“Title IX has made an enormous difference in the history of our nation, and the lives of so many people,” said Senator Murray. “Because of Title IX, opportunities that simply didn’t exist for women, for girls, for gay and trans people—opportunities that were nearly unimaginable fifty years ago—are an everyday reality now. Title IX burst open doors for women to pursue a higher education and has helped level the playing field. I’m proud to celebrate 50 years since Title IX was signed into law, and I’m going to continue to build on the progress it ushered in.”


“Fifty years ago, Title IX was passed, which transformed opportunities for women in our country and affected everything from the safety of college campuses to women competing in sports,” said Senator Stabenow. “This led to more women athletes, women in management positions, women in sports media, and more. I’ll continue to stand with women in Michigan to make sure they receive equal treatment under the law.”


The resolution celebrates the 50-year anniversary since Title IX was signed into law on June 23, 1972, as part of the Education Amendments of 1972. Senators Baldwin, Blumenthal, Booker, Brown, Cantwell, Cardin, Carper, Casey, Coons, Cortez Masto, Duckworth, Durbin, Feinstein, Gillibrand, Hirono, Kaine, Klobuchar, Leahy, Lujan, Markey, Menendez, Merkley, Murphy, Padilla, Peters, Reed, Rosen, Sanders, Shaheen, Smith, Tester, Warren, Whitehouse, and Wyden also joined Senators Murray and Stabenow in introducing the resolution.


Full text of the resolution is available here.

