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Senate Confirms Raj Nayak to Serve as Assistant Secretary of Labor for Policy

Senate confirms Raj Nayak by a vote of 54-45


Senator Murray: “If we are going to build back stronger and fairer from this pandemic, then our federal agencies must be fully staffed with highly qualified people who will help us tackle the many challenges hurting workers, retirees, and their families. And Mr. Nayak already has an impressive track record of doing just that.”


(Washington, D.C.) – Today, the Senate voted to confirm Raj Nayak to serve as Assistant Secretary of Labor for Policy by a vote of 54-45. In remarks on the Senate floor, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, reiterated her strong support for Mr. Nayak, and stressed that our nation’s workers depend on having a fully-staffed Department of Labor to help rebuild a stronger and fairer economy.


“If we are going to build back stronger and fairer from this pandemic, then our federal agencies must be fully staffed with highly qualified people who will help us tackle the many challenges hurting workers, retirees, and their families. And Mr. Nayak already has an impressive track record of doing just that,” said Senator Murray.


During her remarks on the Senate floor, Senator Murray underscored Mr. Nayak’s long record as a champion for workers including as a senior advisor to Secretary Marty Walsh and his previous service at DOL, where he worked on a broad portfolio of issues to empower and support workers.


“As an advocate and a policymaker, he has shown time and again his commitment to empowering workers, supporting families, and advancing equity. And I have no doubt that if confirmed as Assistant Secretary of Labor for Policy he will continue working in the best interest of workers and their families,” said Senator Murray.


Senator Murray’s remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below:


“Thank you, M. President. I come to the floor to call for the confirmation of Raj Nayak to serve as Assistant Secretary of Labor for Policy.


“Over the past year and a half, working families across the country have struggled through the most unequal economic crisis in recent history.


“COVID put a glaring spotlight on the many problems workers were already facing before this pandemic, and has worsened long-standing inequities making life harder for women, workers of color, workers with disabilities, and others.


“If we are going to build back stronger and fairer from this pandemic, then our federal agencies must be fully staffed with highly qualified people who will help us tackle the many challenges hurting workers, retirees, and their families.


“And Mr. Nayak already has an impressive track record of doing just that.


“Mr. Nayak served as a senior advisor to Secretary Walsh at the Department, and also previously served in the Solicitor’s office, as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, and as Deputy Chief of Staff.


“In those various roles, he has worked on a broad portfolio of issues important to workers across the country, including workforce development, worker protection, counter-trafficking, overtime pay, health and safety, retirement security, and more.


“He has also worked twice at the National Employment Law Project, including most recently as Deputy CEO.


“As an advocate and a policymaker, he has shown time and again his commitment to empowering workers, supporting families, and advancing equity.


“And I have no doubt that if confirmed as Assistant Secretary of Labor for Policy he will continue working in the best interest of workers and their families.


“I urge all of my colleagues to join me in voting in support of Mr. Nayak’s nomination.


“Thank you.”  
