“To begin with, the draft Senate health care bill makes no change in the law protecting people with pre-existing conditions, no change in Medicare benefits, and increases Medicaid funding— that’s TennCare—at the rate of inflation.”
WASHINGTON, D.C., June 22 – Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) today released the following statement on the discussion draft of the Senate health care bill:
“To begin with, the draft Senate health care bill makes no change in the law protecting people with pre-existing conditions, no change in Medicare benefits, and increases Medicaid funding— that’s TennCare—at the rate of inflation. Let me repeat: it makes no change in the law protecting people with pre-existing conditions, no change in Medicare benefits, and increases funding for Medicaid—that’s TennCare—at the rate of inflation.”
Alexander continued, “Here are some other benefits for Tennesseans I see in this draft:
He concluded, “I’m going to continue to review this draft. I’m going to see what it costs when the Congressional Budget Office gives its report. Then, I’m going to stay focused on it next week as the bill goes to the Senate floor – where it will be subject to virtually unlimited amendments – and my focus will be on how it affects Tennesseans.”
Click HERE for a video of Sen. Alexander discussing the draft legislation released today.
For Immediate Release
Contact: Taylor Haulsee, (202) 224-8816