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Senator Enzi Seeks to Overturn Burdensome Health Care Regulation

Washington, DC  – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee (HELP Committee) today urged the Senate to move forward on the consideration of a Resolution of Disapproval that would overturn a new health care regulation that breaks the President’s promise “If you like what you have you can keep it.” Follow the link to view the video of Senator Enzi's speech. 

“At least 47 separate times, President Obama promised ‘If you like what you have you can keep it.’ Unfortunately, the Obama Administration has already broken that promise,” Enzi said. 

Earlier this year, the Administration published the regulation, which will fundamentally change the health insurance plans of millions of Americans. Although the regulation was supposed to help existing health plans, and the businesses that provide them, avoid the most onerous new rules and red tape included in the new health care law, between 39 percent and 69 percent of businesses will lose their status as members of grandfathered health plans. 

“The reality for many, under this new regulation, is that if you like what you have, you can’t keep it,” Enzi said. “The picture is even worse for small businesses – the Department of Health and Human Services estimates that by 2013, up to 80 percent of small businesses will lose their grandfathered status.”

“The final result of this new regulation will be that all Americans will eventually be forced to buy the kind of health insurance the federal government thinks you should have.  Never mind that you can’t afford it.  Never mind that employers will be less likely to hire new workers and will probably even have to lay off workers.”

Urging passage of the resolution, Enzi said millions of Americans will be spared from paying higher health care costs as a result of new federal mandates. “Without this resolution, many small businesses will have to drop health insurance for their workers because of this Obama Administration regulation,” Enzi added.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Federation of Independent Business, the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council, the National Association of Manufacturers, the National Retail Federation, the Associated Builders & Contractors, the National Association of Health Underwriters, the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors, the Coalition for Affordable Health Coverage and the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors oppose the grandfathered health plan regulation and support the passage of Enzi’s resolution, S.J. Res. 39.