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Senator Enzi: The American Dream Starts with a Job

“Most Important Thing Govt. Can Do to Boost Job Growth is Get Out of the Way”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today during a speech on the floor of the United States Senate, Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), Ranking Member on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, said that the American dream starts with a job, and the most important thing the federal government can do to allow for greater job growth is get out of the way. 

“There is no issue more important for American families today than jobs,” said Senator Enzi.  “For three long years, we have been waiting for the economy to get back in gear and start creating the jobs necessary to keep America strong.  Congress and this Administration have not done their part to foster the healthy, job-creating economy we need. We have heard plenty of talk about job creation, but the rhetoric simply does not match up with any action.  The truth is the most significant step the federal government could take to allow greater job growth is to get out of the way.”

Senator Enzi noted that one of the few industries in America that is growing and has the potential to produce thousands and thousands of jobs is the energy industry.  He said that last month alone, more than 7,000 jobs were created in the mining industry. Enzi said that the nation’s domestic energy industry has the potential to create even more jobs, but is hampered by the Administration’s efforts to slow the permitting process for new mining and drilling activities as well as the Environmental Protection Agency’s actions to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act.

“The American dream starts with a job,” Senator Enzi said.  “But stalling the growth of the domestic energy production industry, or increasing the regulatory burden on American businesses will not help job growth.  In order to ensure that the American dream is not out of reach, this Administration must stop getting in the way of job creation.”

You can read the entire speech here. 

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