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Senator Murray Statement on $15 Minimum Wage Ruling

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, released the following statement on the Senate Parliamentarian’s announcement that the $15 minimum wage provision is not appropriate for inclusion in President Biden’s reconciliation package, the American Rescue Package.


“Democrats will not lose sight of the fact that people are working 40 hours a week, but still living in poverty, and tipped workers, youth workers, and workers with disabilities are being paid subminimum wages. After more than a decade since the last federal minimum wage increase, the tides are turning and there is overwhelming support for Congress to act. Two thirds of Americans, including a majority of Republicans, support a $15 minimum wage and that momentum is only continuing to grow. Our efforts to ensure workers across the country finally get a long overdue raise to $15 an hour will continue.”


Senator Murray has long fought to increase the minimum wage and give workers a raise. Since the last minimum wage increase over ten years ago, Senator Murray has pushed to pass her Raise the Wage Act. In January, Senator Murray re-introduced the Raise the Wage Act, with Senator Sanders and Congressman Scott, to increase the federal minimum wage to $15 by 2025 and phase out subminimum wages for tipped workers, youth workers, and workers with disabilities.

