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Senator Murray Statement on Inclusion of Paid Leave in the House Build Back Better Act

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, issued the following statement on Speaker Pelosi including paid leave in the House Build Back Better Act. Senator Murray has long fought for paid family and medical leave, and has been helping lead the fight to add it back to the Build Back Better package.


“Working families—and in particular working moms—have spoken out, told their stories, and made it crystal clear: we need paid leave for all workers. We hear you—and after spending the last week calling, texting, banging on doors, talking to folks on the floor of the Senate, in the halls, and everywhere I can—I am incredibly relieved to see Speaker Pelosi include paid leave in the House Build Back Better Act. We’re the only country in the developed world where new parents don’t have time to recover from birth, bond with their newborn, or welcome a new child to their family. And COVID has made clear that workers need time off to care for themselves or a family member who is seriously ill. Our lack of paid leave is a national disgrace, it’s wrong, and it’s got to change—now.  


“This is a key step forward—but we are not done fighting to get this across the finish line. Because we’ve been told time and time again on paid leave that ‘It’ll get done next time.’ Well, the time is now.”


