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Senator Murray Statement On President Biden’s COVID and Ukraine Funding Request

Murray: “The bottom-line is that we can’t shortchange our communities or our allies—especially in the middle of crises when lives are at stake.”


(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), released the following statement on President Biden’s call for Congress to pass additional resources to support Ukraine, and to continue the nation’s progress fighting COVID-19.

“The bottom-line is that we can’t shortchange our communities or our allies—especially in the middle of crises when lives are at stake. Communities across our country need tests, treatments, and vaccines to defend the hard-won progress we have made against COVID-19 and to keep people safe and healthy. And the people of Ukraine desperately need military supplies to end this terrible war and get badly-needed humanitarian relief to support those still in Ukraine and the families who have been forced to flee and leave everything behind. These resources are about our economy, the health of our families, our national security, and our moral obligation to stand up for fundamental human rights—I’ll be fighting to get this funding over the finish line however I can to protect families here at home and in Ukraine.”

