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So Much for Transparency Public Still Waiting on Final Language, Cost Estimates of Health Care Bill

Washington, D.C. – Though two weeks have passed since Democrats approved a partisan health care bill in the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, a complete copy of the final bill as amended in Committee remains unavailable for the public or members of the Senate to review, and the bill’s supporters have yet to release a final estimate of its costs.

“We need to know what’s in the HELP Committee bill and how much it costs. Democrats passed this bill through Committee more than two weeks ago now. How long will they take to post the final language so the American people can read it?” asked Senator Mike Enzi, (R-Wyo.), Ranking Member of the HELP Committee.

“The new Administration and Congress promised to usher in a new era of transparency, but once again they have failed to deliver.”

Enzi led committee Republicans today in requesting a full copy of the bill and a final cost estimate from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

“We believe that it is essential as the Congress continues its work on the health care reform legislation in other committees that we have a final cost estimate from the Congressional Budget Office on the Affordable Health Choices Act as passed by the HELP Committee,” the senators wrote in a letter to Senator Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), acting HELP Committee Chairman.

A copy of the letter is below: