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Full Committee Hearing

Healthcare Reform

Time: 03:00pm
Location: SH-216


Panel I: Click Here

Panel II: Click Here

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Panel I

  • M.D. Margaret Flowers

    Maryland Co-Chair
    Physicians for a National Health Program
    Chicago, IL
  • Ron Williams

    Aetna Inc.
    Hartford, CT
  • Randel Johnson

    Vice President for Labor, Immigration, and Employee Benefits
    U.S. Chamber of Commerce
    Washington, DC
  • William Dennis

    Senior Research Fellow
    National Federation of Independent Business
    Washington, DC
  • Mary Andrus

    Co-Chair of the Health Care Taskforce
    Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities
    Washington, DC
  • Samantha Rosman

    Board of Trustees
    American Medical Association
    Chicago, IL
  • Ph.D. Ray Scheppach

    Executive Director
    National Governors’ Association
    Washington, DC
  • Gerald Shea

    Assistant to the President
    Washington, DC
  • Dennis Rivera

    Chair, SEIU Healthcare
    Washington, DC
  • Katherine Baicker, Ph.D

    Professor of Health Economics
    Harvard School of Public Health
    Boston, MA
  • Jonathan Gruber, Ph.D.

    Associate Head
    MIT Department of Economics
    Cambridge, MA
  • Janet Trautwein

    Executive Vice-President and CEO
    National Association of Health Underwriters
    Arlington, VA
  • Sandy Praeger

    Kansas Department of Insurance
    Topeka, KS
  • M.D. Scott Gottlieb

    Resident Fellow
    American Enterprise Institute
    Washington, DC
  • Steve Burd

    President and CEO
    Safeway, Inc.
    Pleasanton, CA

Panel II

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