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Subcommittee on Bioterrorism and Public Health Preparedness

Lessons Learned from Katrina in Public Healthcare

Time: 12:45pm
Location: 400 Royal Street, New Orleans, LA
There is no video broadcast for this event.

Panel I

  • Don Smithburg

    Louisiana State University Healthcare Services Division
  • MD Larry Hollier

    Lousiana State University Health Science Center
  • MD Paul K. Whelton

    M. Sc. Professor of Epidemiology and Medicine
    Senior Vice President for Health Sciences, Dean of Tulane University School of Medicine
  • MD Patrick Quinlan

    Ochsner Health System
  • MD Jeffery Rouse

    New Orleans Coroner's Office
  • Gery Barry

    CEO of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana
    Viuce Chair of the Louisiana Healthcare Redesign Collaboration (in conjunction with Secretary Leavitt's office)

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