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Executive Session


Time: 11:00am
Location: S-216, The President's Room

• Nomination of Jerome Adams, M.D., to be Surgeon General of the Public Health Service

• Nomination of Brett Giroir, M.D., to be Assistant Secretary for Health 

• Nomination of Robert Kadlec, M.D., to be Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response 

• Nomination of Elinore F. McCance-Katz, M.D., to be Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use

• Nomination of Lance Robertson to be Assistant Secretary for Aging

• Nomination of Patrick Pizzella to be Deputy Secretary of Labor 

• Nomination of Heather L. MacDougall to be a Member, OSHRC

• Nomination of James J. Sullivan to be a Member, OSHRC 

• Any additional nominations for consideration 

There is no video broadcast for this event.