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Executive Session

S.2434, S.292, S.2278, S.1091

Time: 09:45am
Location: 430 Dirksen Senate Office Building

• S.2434, Animal Drug and Animal Generic Drug User Fee Amendments of 2018

• S.292, Childhood Cancer STAR Act 

• S.2278, State Offices of Rural Health Reauthorization Act of 2018

• S.1091, Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Act



S.2434, Animal Drug and Animal Generic Drug User Fee Amendments of 2018
S. 2434 Manager's Amendment
Murkowski S. 2434 Amendment #1
Murphy S. 2434 Amendment #1
Paul S. 2434 Amendment #1
Paul S. 2434 Amendment #2
Roberts S. 2434 Amendment #1

S.292, Childhood Cancer STAR Act
S. 292 Manager's Amendment

S.2278, State Offices of Rural Health Reauthorization Act of 2018
S. 2278 Manager's Amendment

S.1091, Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Act
S. 1091 Manager's Amendment
Murkowski S. 1091 Amendment#1

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