Murray: “In Congress, we need to be looking for ways to make sure our economy and workplaces work for all families – not just the wealthiest few. Expanding access to paid sick days couldn’t be more important to achieving that goal.”
(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee Ranking Member Patty Murray (D-WA) joined a call of advocates from across the country to brief them on next steps for the Healthy Families Act, legislation that would expand access to paid sick days to millions of workers. Murray spoke with members of the national Work and Family Coalition, convened by the National Partnership for Women & Families, and urged them to join her in keeping up the fight to build support in Congress for the Healthy Families Act and encourage Republicans and Democrats to get this done.
Last month, 61 Senators, including 15 Republicans, agreed that Congress should allow workers to earn paid sick days when they voted in favor of a nonbinding amendment to the Senate budget resolution. Yesterday, Murray launched a new online tool to hear from workers and business owners in Washington state and across the country on why paid sick days are so important.
Key excerpts from Senator Murray’s remarks:
“States and localities, including Tacoma and Seattle in my home state of Washington – have already adopted policies to provide paid sick days. And of course, last month, I was thrilled when 61 Senators – including 15 Republicans – agreed that Congress should allow workers to earn paid sick days. Now, that was on a non-binding budget vote. So, I wanted to tell you about some next steps that I’m going to be working on to build more support for passing the actual law, the Healthy Families Act – that’s the legislation that would make paid sick days a reality for millions of workers.”
“I’ve pushed Republican conferees to include the paid sick days provision in the final budget deal and follow through on what 61 Senators have supported. And in the coming weeks, I’m going to be making the case for paid sick days on the Senate floor, so my colleagues hear how important this is for working families across the country.”
“Yesterday, I launched a tool on my website to give workers and businesses the chance to share their story on why paid sick days are important to them. I’m inviting workers and businesses to write in about why paid sick days would be important to them and their families.”
“…In Congress, we need to be looking for ways to make sure our economy and workplaces work for all families – not just the wealthiest few. Expanding access to paid sick days couldn’t be more important to achieving that goal.”
“When you talk to Senators, make sure they hear the stories of the families you work with. Tell them what it’s like to have to call-in sick, or put your child on the bus to school while they’re sick, because you can’t afford to call in to work – or worse – you could get fired if you don’t clock in. That will be critical in building momentum here in Congress and encouraging more Senators to add their name to the Healthy Families Act.”