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President Trump, Senate GOP accelerate push to confirm extreme, conservative judges for lifetime court appointments


Murray on Senate floor: “It is clear that as Republican leaders’ list of legislative failures grows longer—their effort to enact their agenda by Administrative action and by stacking the courts is only going to accelerate”


***Watch video of Murray’s floor speech HERE (starts at 6:15)***


(Washington, D.C.) – Following remarks on the start of health care open enrollment, Assistant Democratic Leader Patty Murray (D-WA) denounced President Trump and Republican leaders for their continued push to ram through extreme, conservative judges for lifetime court appointments.  


“President Trump and Republicans are taking our country in a direction that is deeply harmful—by stacking the courts with extreme, conservative judges,” said Murray. “… Judicial nominees who each have the far right-wing seal of approval. Two were on President Trump’s ‘short list’ for Supreme Court justices—meaning they would ‘automatically’ vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. Unfortunately, their views on LGBTQ rights, sexual assault, criminal justice, and corporate interests are just as deeply troubling.”


The Senate is expected to vote this week on four judicial nominees with deeply troubling views on LGBTQ rights, women’s health and constitutionally protected rights, sexual assault, criminal justice, and corporate interests.


Video of Murray’s remarks HERE and text below:


“Unfortunately, their views on LGBTQ rights, sexual assault, criminal justice, and corporate interests are just as deeply troubling.


“M. President, I also want to take a few minutes to speak on another way President Trump and Republicans are taking our country in a direction that is deeply harmful—by stacking the courts with extreme, conservative judges.


“The Senate is expected to vote this week on four judicial nominees who each have the far right-wing seal of approval. Two were on President Trump’s “short list” for Supreme Court justices—meaning they would “automatically” vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.


“Unfortunately, their views on LGBTQ rights, sexual assault, criminal justice, and corporate interests are just as deeply troubling. One of these nominees even advocated for using electric shocks for criminal punishment.


“And two—Amy Barrett and Stephanos Bibos—were nominated only after Republicans blocked the nominations of Myra Selby and Rebecca Haywood, both African-American women, to the respective benches. 


“M. President, it is clear that as Republican leaders’ list of legislative failures grows longer—their effort to enact their agenda by Administrative action and by stacking the courts is only going to accelerate.


“That might appeal to extreme conservatives—in fact, I’m sure it does. But the truth is that whether it’s health care—or infrastructure—or taxes—most people across the country really want to see Congress working together.


“So I’m going to continue doing everything I can to speak out and fight back against extreme, harmful steps taken by this Administration and allowed by Republican leaders in Congress—and also, show that there is a better way to get things done—by working under regular order, across the aisle, and putting people, not politics first.


“That’s what families rightly expect—and that’s what we should all be focused on.


“Thank you and I yield the floor.”

