Murray: “We should be working to make sure our students can start school on a path toward success, not continuing to give tax giveaways to those who need them the least.”
(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee Ranking Member Patty Murray (D-WA) introduced an amendment to the Senate Republican Budget to expand access to high-quality preschool for low- and moderate-income three-and-four year olds. The proposal, which would be fully paid for by closing wasteful tax loopholes that benefit the biggest corporations, was blocked by Senate Republicans by a vote of 54-46.
Full text of Senator Murray’s remarks prior to the vote, as prepared:
“As a former preschool teacher, I’ve seen firsthand the kind of transformation that early learning can inspire in a child—and I believe we should be investing more in our children, not less.
“So today, I want to offer an amendment to expand access to early childhood education, so more kids can start kindergarten ready to learn.
“This amendment would expand access to high-quality preschool for low- and moderate-income three and four-year-olds.
“It would build on the investments that governors and legislators across the country, regardless of party affiliation, are already making to improve early learning opportunities through public-private partnerships.
“This proposal is fully paid for by closing wasteful tax loopholes that only benefit the biggest corporations.
“M. President, we should be working to make sure our students can start school on a path toward success, not continuing to give tax giveaways to those who need them the least.
“I encourage my colleagues to support this amendment to make sure more kids and families have access to high-quality early learning opportunities.”