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Harkin: New Civil Rights Data on America’s Students Solidifies My Concerns

WASHINGTON – Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) cited new data released today by Secretary of Education Arne Duncan as further evidence that civil rights are still a struggle in many of America’s schools.  The results of the Civil Rights Data Collection just released for the 2009-2010 school year reveal disparities in access to courses needed for college and career readiness, as well as access to experienced teachers. Furthermore, the data show that minorities and children with disabilities are disproportionately impacted by disciplinary actions, bullying and harassment, seclusion and restraint.

“These findings are significant and they confirm the harsh truths that we have known for a long time—that disparities persist in our education system for minorities and children with disabilities” said Senator Harkin.  “In the face of recent misguided attempts by House Republicans to take our schools a step backwards from the goal of educational success for all students, the data released today remind us how much work we have left to do to deliver on the promise of equal educational opportunities for all of our children.”
